
All I’m saying is, while it might be illegal to stab someone in a German restaurant, there’s not a jury in the world that would have convicted you. Certainly would have improved my evening.

Stammtisch immediately endeared itself to me for two reasons – 1. it’s exactly what it says it is. You could drop it wholesale into any German town and no one would think “Here’s the Yanks having a bit of fun at our expense”. There’s no pretense, no pretending. Just the thing itself.

And 2: Liter steins. This is God’s preferred glassware, given to Buddha on Mt. Vesuvius. They fit perfectly in my hand (I’m not a giant, but it is nice to have the occasional “it comes in pints?” moment). It’s liter of beer – always a happy thing.

And they have some damn fine brews on. I don’t generally drink imported beer, on account of us making really good beer in the States, but man, there are few things like a glass of someone’s Oktoberfest early in fall, just as the chill starts to set in. Turns a young lady’s mind to dirndls and braids and cleavage and no mistake.

Condensing the menu choices from several visits (seriously) yields:

Bretzel w/ actual goddamn schmaltz. I know Jews were banned from Oregon till like the 70’s or something, but thanks for letting them in eventually.

Obatzda – warm cheese, paprika, and damn good bread. Important for helping sop up all the beer.

Frites w/ curry ketchup – a fan favorite from the late night menu. Widely agreed to be the same thing we’d had in the Fatherland.

Sauerbraten – slow cooked pork, cabbage, and spatzle. This is one of my favorite things. I like this more than I like people. I would elope to a tropical island and open a beer garden under the palm trees with this dish.

Forelle – This tastes like the best parts of fall. Braised trout, roasted squash. Ye Gods.

If I lived near by I would be so fat.